The summer brings with it a more relaxed atmosphere, beach vacations, pool time, and sweltering heat. While many people enjoy summer and being outdoors, it is incredibly important that you remember to take proper care of you skin. Not only is more of your skin exposed during the summer by wearing shorts, tank tops, and sandals, but there are dangers that your skin is more exposed to during this time of year than during any other time. By understanding how summer heat and summer’s sun exposure harm your skin you can have a better understanding for how to protect your skin.
While the sun provides life to the earth and Vitamin D to your body, sun exposure needs to be kept at a minimal. 90% of wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation are caused by overexposure to the sun. In order to obtain your recommended daily dose of Vitamin D, the ideal maximum sun exposure is 15 minutes before 10 a.m. or 15 minutes after 2 p.m. The sun’s rays are at their harshest between the hours of 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and should be avoided altogether if possible. With the harsh rays beating down on the skin, the UVB rays from the sun penetrate deep into the skin and are responsible for age spots, uneven skin tone, and melanoma.
Preventative measures in preparing the skin and then caring for it throughout the day are crucial in keeping your skin healthy and protected from the sun’s harmful effects. It cannot be stated enough how important it is for you to apply sunscreen Every Single Day. Sunscreens block the harmful rays from penetrating the skin layers, but they need to be re-applied throughout the day for them to be most effective. For a long time, people have been taught to purchase sunscreen with a high SPF, but that is no longer enough. Make sure that you are using a sunscreen that offers protection from both UVA and UVB rays.
Moisturizing your skin is important, not just in the winter when the air is dry, but throughout the year – especially in the summer. It is important to use a rich moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated. Take care to pamper your hands and feet with moisturizer, too, because they are constantly exposed to the sun’s rays.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and you must do your part to protect it for years to come. Making smart choices now regarding your skin will protect your health in the future.
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