Have you noticed white spots on your skin? Little spots where it looks like you’ve been bleached like a towel? You may be experiencing an autoimmune disorder known as vitiligo. Unfortunately, many are unaware of this skin disorder and struggle because their skin is losing color.
What is Vitiligo?
The late King of Pop, Michael Jackson, was said to have started wearing his iconic single white glove due to vitiligo. There was much discussion about the pop star’s skin, which seemed to lose its color over the years. Because Jackson was a Black man, his vitiligo was particularly noticeable. Combined with his recluse life outside of the cameras, people wrote it off as something strange about an eccentric human being.
Vitiligo is no more strange or eccentric than any other autoimmune disorder. There is very little known about why some people develop these conditions where the body attacks itself. There may be genetic components, but that isn’t known for sure.
With vitiligo, the affected cells lose the ability to produce melatonin, the substance that gives skin its color. The condition only attacks about 1% of the population. Anyone can get it, but it is most visible on dark skin. There are several varieties of vitiligo, ranging from small affected areas to rare cases in which 80% or more of the skin is affected.
How is Vitiligo Treated?
Unfortunately, there is no cure for vitiligo. However, medical dermatology can offer treatments to help balance out the color of the complexion. One treatment technique used to do this is the Excimer laser. These laser treatments can lessen the degree of depigmentation. There is also a constantly evolving new understanding of vitiligo in medical research, and new treatments are available regularly.
Your Best Vitiligo Treatment Is from a Medical Dermatologist
To make sure you receive the most innovative treatment for vitiligo and other skin conditions, make sure you see a medical dermatologist specializing in the treatment of vitiligo. At Medical Dermatology Specialists, you can schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Jamie Weisman, a board-certified dermatologist specializing in skin disease. Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weisman today.
Medical Dermatology Specialists
5730 Glenridge Dr, Suite T-100
Atlanta, GA 30328
(404) 939-9220
Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
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Atlanta, GA 30328
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Email: jstalls@atlmedderm.com