Acne is a skin problem that has been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. While it does not make anyone feel better when they are suffering from acne, almost all people get it – with its peak time occurring during the teenage years. The most common place for pimples to pop up is the face; the neck, back, chest, and shoulders are also common areas for this skin condition. Despite the fact that acne poses no considerable health risk, it can lead to scarring of the skin and low self-esteem. At Medical Dermatology Specialists, we offer the latest and most progressive acne treatment to patients with severe or mild skin care concerns. Dr. Jamie Weisman leads our practice as a nationally recognized board certified dermatologist who is dedicated to providing superior and patient centered care.
Teens with acne often feel extremely self-conscious about their skin. While mild acne is easily treated, more severe cases can affect their quality of life and require a progressive approach to treatment. Our unique medical dermatology practice knows that skin conditions are not just skin deep, and we are committed to find long lasting treatment options for acne. For severe teen acne, laser treatment or light therapy may be recommended. We understand that acne can cause significant emotional distress and even depression, no matter the person’s age. We will work with your teen to develop a skin regimen that will not be harsh on the skin and cause further issues, but will be customized for your teen’s skin.
Acne does not have to define a teenager. The experts at Medical Dermatology Specialists use a personalized and comprehensive approach to accurately determine the primary cause of acne so that we can provide the most effective solution for treating it. Contact our Atlanta Acne Specialists today to schedule an appointment. We can help your teen regain his or her confidence and find the clear skin that they deserve.
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