The calendar may say October, but here in Georgia many people still find themselves in shorts and t-shirts. Warm temperatures draw people outside, yet to stay cool most people find relief from the sun’s rays in the shade. While it is essential to keep yourself from becoming overheated on hot days, you must watch where you are when you’re cooling off. Poison ivy is a plant that contains urushiol, which is a highly allergic oil that can leave you miserable for weeks. Most people who come into contact with poison ivy will find a rash visible on their skin that will be accompanied by irritation and extreme itching.
Some people are more allergic to poison ivy than others. For some, just being near the plant will be close enough for their skin to have an allergic reaction. Most people, though, will need to have direct contact between the plant and their skin. However, it is important to know that if a poison ivy plant comes into contact with your shoes or clothes and then you touch those items, you can pick up an allergic reaction from that contact. Watching where you step and where your clothes touch when you are in the shade or in the woods is vital for keeping poison ivy rash at bay.
If you are unfortunate enough to break out in an allergic reaction to poison ivy, you will want to alleviate your discomfort. Typical symptoms of poison ivy rash include redness, swelling at the site of the outbreak, extreme itching, and sometimes painful blisters. While the itching sensation can seem unbearable, it is important not to scratch your rash. Scratching poison ivy rash will only make it spread, and your agony will only last that much longer. Most people can find relief from poison ivy rash with over-the-counter topical creams. However, if you are having an extreme reaction to poison ivy that OTC creams do not help, you will want to seek medical treatment. There is a small population of people who will have poison ivy spread into their bloodstream and carry the rash to other parts of the body.
If you need treatment for poison ivy rash, call Medical Dermatology Specialists today.
Medical Dermatology Specialists
5730 Glenridge Dr, Suite T-100
Atlanta, GA 30328
(404) 939-9220
Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Posted on behalf of
5730 Glenridge Drive, Suite T-100
Atlanta, GA 30328
Phone: Call (404) 939-9220
FAX: (470) 312-2157
Email: jstalls@atlmedderm.com