Keloids are growths of extra scar tissue where the skin has been injured. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it has the miraculous ability to heal itself. The growth of extra scar tissue is when the skin cells continue to multiply even after a wound on the skin has filled in. Keloids project above the skin’s surface and form large mounds of scar tissue. These raised, reddish nodules can form on any part of the body, although the upper chest, shoulders, and upper back are the most prone to keloid formation. For those looking to have these growths treated or removed, Medical Dermatology Specialists is the dermatology practice to trust in Atlanta.
Dr. Jamie Weisman leads Medical Dermatology Specialists with years of research knowledge and active patient care. She believes in a personalized approach to each patient’s skin care, and she will take the time to understand a patient’s keloid skin condition. Large, unsightly scars can affect a person’s self esteem so negatively that they do not interact with friends, family, and avoid any conditions where their scars may be visible. Keloids can also become very itchy and painful, thus, causing a decline in the quality of life. Dr. Weisman and her staff are committed to finding the correct treatment technique that will work with each patient’s keloid condition. As a thriving research and medical dermatology practice, patients are able to experience a higher level of care from the personalized approach to skin care.
While not everyone seeks treatment for their keloid condition, it is important for those whose scars are burning or itching or if they are large to seek treatment. At Medical Dermatology Specialists we stay involved with the latest evolving research of keloid scar treatment so that we can offer our patients the highest level of care. Contact our practice today to schedule an appointment and learn how our medical dermatology practice can help you find relief from keloids.
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