Telogen Effluvium Vs. Alopecia Areata
If you are a women, and you are experiencing hair loss, it can be frightening. For a woman, hair is like the crown they wear every day, and when that royal crown becomes compromised, you need to find out what’s causing it. Dr. Weisman at Medical Dermatology Specialists, has the progressive research and knowledge and experience to help you determine the cause and can provide you with an effective plan to treat you hair loss.
Telogen Effluvium
Telogen Effluvium (TE) is the sudden and dramatic increase in hair loss that typically occurs during pregnancy. This happens because your hormone levels fall during this time. Stress, severe illnesses, poor nutrition and some medications can also cause this type of hair loss. If you’re pregnant, the good news is that you will most likely regain your normal fullness of hair once baby arrives. TE is usually temporary, and your hair usually grows back.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areatea is caused by an attack on your immune system. Androgenetic alopecia is more commonly diagnosed and is simply hereditary thinning and balding. There are occasions when stress and trauma can cause it as well. Alopecia Areata does not inhibit your hair’s ability to grow back.
Alopecia is treatable! Sometimes lifestyle choices can trigger it, so it’s important to discuss these with Dr. Weisman. She is an expert at finding successful treatment for your hair loss because she will first diagnose the cause of it, and then provide you with a personalized treatment plan to stop or slow your hair loss. Call and book your appointment with her today!
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