Can you believe 2018 is almost over? We’re already in the middle of December and it seems like we were just putting the kids back in school after the summer. Where does time go?
Sometimes, time can slip away from us and we don’t know what we’ve done. Do you feel that way about 2018? Did it flash by with the blink of an eye? If this is the case for you, make sure your 2018 does not come to a close before you get your skin cancer screening by Dr. Weisman at Medical Dermatology Specialists.
By scheduling and attending your screening, you are increasing your skin cancer treatment success rate tremendously. Early detection is the key to your skin cancer success. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, “ Skin cancers found and removed early are almost always curable.”
During your screening, Dr. Weisman will do a head-to-toe skin exam and make notes of any spots that need monitored or more closely examined. She may examine any unusual spots with a dermatoscope to better examine any moles that are hard to see with her naked eye. If a spot is suspicious, she may do a biopsy to be sent for analysis. Photographs are also taken at times of any suspicious moles or spots that need to continue to be monitored for change.
Contact Dr. Weisman at Medical Dermatology Specialists today to schedule your yearly skin cancer screening. You may also want to ask about Dr. Weisman’s emerging treatments. She offers safe and effective breakthrough treatment for eczema. Time is of the essence and you don’t want it to slip away.
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Email: jstalls@atlmedderm.com