Eczema is a skin condition typically thought of as a condition that only affects children. Some children who suffer from eczema will continue to suffer from eczema or atopic dermatitis in their adult years, while other children will outgrow the skin condition. However, many adults suffer from eczema that results as an onset skin condition later in life.
Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a recurring skin condition that is characterized by dry, red patches of skin that are incredibly itchy. It is often a frustrating skin condition for both children and adults because the itching can become so severe that it affects a person’s quality of life. Atopic eczema in adults is characterized by intermittent flares and spontaneous remissions. Family history of allergies associated with atopic dermatitis often have the highest form of impact on adults who spontaneously suffer from eczema. Hay fever and asthma are commonly thought of as associated conditions that predispose a person to adult eczema.
Doctors and nurses commonly experience adult “hand eczema” because their skin is constantly exposed to antibacterial products which dry out the skin as they kill pathogens. Food allergies are also known to be associated with eczema, and since there is a rise in adult food allergies and sensitivities, these intolerances can play a part in worsening eczema symptoms in adults.
At Medical Dermatology Specialists in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Jamie Weisman utilizes the most advanced and progressive treatment options available for adults suffering from eczema. Dr. Weisman understands how frustrating adult eczema can be, especially when it leads to redness, swelling, cracking, and blistering of the skin. Medical Dermatology Specialists is the practice that you can trust to provide a treatment plan that will give you the long-term relief you are looking for. Contact us today.
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