If you have been experiencing a persistent rash or one that has been difficult to diagnose, it may be time to see a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis. One cause of rashes is autoimmune diseases. Is that the underlying cause of your skin condition?
Facial RashesThe most recognizable skin conditions are facial rashes. They typically lead to a diagnosis of Lupus or dermatomyositis, although other diseases could be possible or co-exist. The classic “butterfly rash” covers the cheeks and nose and is often a first sign of Lupus. However, there are several forms of the disease, and the type of rash will often help your doctor diagnose it properly.
BlistersBlisters are not as easy to diagnose as Lupus rashes. They can be caused by any number of things, including allergic reactions not indicative of an autoimmune disease at all. A dermatologist can work closely with your other physicians to help find the cause, which could include Celiac disease, pemphigoid or epidermolysis bullosa acquista.
Thick, Scaly SkinThis skin condition is most often associated with psoriasis. It’s a very common autoimmune disease that affects up to 3% of American adults. These patches of scaly skin are created by layers of skin that are growing too quickly. Like other diseases, there are several forms, and your dermatologist can help find the correct diagnosis.
Hardened SkinScleroderma, another common autoimmune disease, could cause hardened skin. Both forms, localized and systemic, cause patches of thick skin made by too much collagen production. Proper treatment can help manage the symptoms, especially systemic scleroderma that can also affect the internal organs.
Mouth or Genital SoresBehcet disease can cause sores in the mouth and on the genitals as well as other symptoms like skin rashes that look like acne, eye problems, joint pain and more. Other autoimmune diseases, like Lupus, can cause sores like these, so a proper diagnosis is essential. Behcet and other autoimmune disorders present with sores and are often misdiagnosed as the herpes virus, so a blood test is required to rule that out. After a diagnosis, your dermatologist will work closely with your primary care provider and other specialists to ensure proper care of your autoimmune disease. Dr. Weisman at Medical Dermatology Specialists in Atlanta has years of experience in autoimmune skin conditions, so call today to schedule your appointment.
Medical Dermatology Specialists,
5730 Glenridge Dr, Suite T-100
Atlanta, GA 30328
(404) 939-9220
Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
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5730 Glenridge Drive, Suite T-100
Atlanta, GA 30328
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Email: jstalls@atlmedderm.com